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How to Draft a Compelling Blog Post in 7 Easy Steps

Over the years, blog post has become extremely popular and effective marketing tool. A number of brands depend on blog posts, among many other things, to spread the word about their business.

Do you want to write a blog that a lot of people will read — not just today, but for years to come?

Creating a blog post seems easy. Open a text editor, begin typing and it’s done, right?

Well, no.

Deciding on the topic, doing the research, and drafting the blog keeping several points in mind just to get around 20 views a year later, is certainly not a welcome feel.

It is often said that blogging is somewhat similar to driving. You may spend hours studying the highway codes, but when it comes to getting behind the wheel, it is a different game altogether.

So, how can you write something absolutely amazing?

Here are the tricks to abide by.

Know the Audience

Before you begin writing, you must know your audience. If you’re not aware of who you’re writing for, you won’t be able to draft it according to their requirements.

Remember, you must not guess the requirement of your audience.

Instead, opt for competitor analysis and industry research.

Decide the Topic

Do you have lots of topics in your mind?


Jot down all of them.

If you are at a loss finding topics, take a look at your competitors.

You need to create a list of at least five to ten topics before you actually decide which topic you’re going to draft your next blog post on.

Pick a Clear Angle

After you pick the topic, decide on an angle.

Be specific.

You will be overwhelmed if you pick a broad topic and try to cover everything. Therefore, it’s not a good idea.

If you are about to write a how to blog, a step-by-step approach will work best. However, if you want to list your favourite autobiographies or tips to throw a party, go for a listicle. You can also go for a simple essay, if you can organise it properly.

Use a Compelling Heading

If you do not use a compelling heading, there are high chances that your blog post will never be read or shared.

We tend to judge a book by cover and a blog by its title.

So, make sure you are using a compelling title.

Add Subheads and Use Short Paragraphs

Proper formatting is crucial for blog posts. Nothing is worse than going through a post with giant paragraphs.

Most readers skim through the content before reading it actually.

So, break up your article under as many subheads as possible.

The shorter paragraphs help the readers to go through your post. This helps them absorb information in the shortest possible time.

Incorporate Bullet Points

You must highlight the necessary information. This will help the readers to grab the idea of the blog post faster.

Here are a few tips to write the bullet points:

  • Express clear benefits. Treat them as mini headings.
  • Keep the bullets symmetrical, with one or two lines each.
  • Avoid whole paragraphs in bullet points.

The bullet points are one of the best ways to spoon feed the audience and keep them coming back for more.

Use Images

A simple image can make a boring post fun and engaging. Moreover, it breaks the monotony and offers a refreshing visual break.

If you cannot express something in word, you can use a screenshot or image.


After you are done drafting a memorable post, edit it.

Clear the clutter and get rid of all excess words before you post it. Check at least twice to make sure your post is free from typos, grammar, spelling errors, and punctuation mistakes. We can help you in writing great blog posts with our content writing services.


Xfinity Solution

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